Resident Assistant FAQ

Who are the RAs?

The RAs are graduate students who are returning residents of the Warehouse. The RAs can be from any department, and can be Master's or Doctoral students. The service duration for RAs who are undertaking a Doctoral degree at MIT is three years. For 2- or 3- year Master's degree students, the service duration is until graduation. RAs serve as volunteers at the Warehouse to carry out many roles.

What are the roles of the RAs?

The general responsibilities of the RAs are to work alongside the Heads of House to build community among the first-year residents and to aid in ensuring the smooth functioning of the building as a living environment and student space. Building community involves planning and executing social events, fostering conviviality among the residents, and serving as a friendly presence. Maintaining the dorm’s living environment involves being attentive to the facilities and reporting any problems, as well as educating residents about and enforcing building policies.

How do I become an RA?

Information sessions for the RA application process are typically held from January to February of each year. Online applications are made available starting mid-February. After application review, in-person interviews take place at the beginning of March. Decisions are released prior to the start of MIT's Spring Break.

Who are the Advisory Board members?

After successful completion of three years serving as an RA, continuing students at the Warehouse are invited to serve as Advisory Board members, where they continue to contribute to the Warehouse community, providing support and guidance to the current RAs and Heads of House.