The MIT DSL Housing policy regarding guests in graduate housing can be found here: Per that policy a guest is someone (MIT or non-MIT affiliated) who does not live in Warehouse. A guest may be a daytime or overnight guest. The policies below apply to both daytime and overnight guests unless explicitly stated.
You are permitted to have guests in the common areas of the residence hall and your Warehouse apartment, under the following conditions:
- All guests must sign in at the front desk.
- No guest will be allowed access beyond the lobby unless they are accompanied by a Warehouse resident.
- When hosting an event in a Warehouse communal space, a resident may leave a guest list at the front desk, listing their name and phone number as well as the names of those attending the event. When guests arrive they must check-in at the front desk and, assuming they are on the guest list, they will be escorted to the area the event will be held by front desk staff. A separate guest list must be left for each event, even if the event will occur more than once.
Residents are responsible for the behavior of their guests and will be billed for any damage caused by them during their stay.
Overnight and Extended Stay Guests
- The Warehouse is a single occupancy facility.
- Although we do allow one (1) overnight guest according to the policy outlined below, the Heads of House may at any time decide to limit the number of nights per visit of any resident.
- You may not have an overnight guest for more than three (3) nights in any given week without permission from the Heads of House (see below for more information as to how to obtain permission).
- A guest may not stay overnight in a Warehouse apartment unless the resident is present. Violation of this rule constitutes subletting, which is expressly forbidden and which may result in the termination of the resident’s license agreement.
- A resident is required to obtain the permission of the Heads of House anytime a guest stay is longer than three (3) days. Permission is requested by sending an email to the Heads of House with the following information:
Your name
Your MIT ID #
Your Warehouse room number
Your guest’s name
The dates of your guests stay.
Emails must be sent more than 48 hours in advance of the first night of the stay.
Requests can be made for a maximum of seven (7) additional days. - Overnight guest stays of eleven (11) to fourteen (14) days in length require prior approval by Graduate Residential Life staff pursuant to the requirement of the Graduate Housing Extended Guest Policy. See link to policy here:
- Upon the arrival of your guest, please bring them to the front desk so that you can enter their information into the extended stay guest book. Once in this book, if they will need access to the building when you are unavailable, the front desk staff can escort them to the secure doors that lead to the private apartments and give them access to that area, however, Warehouse staff will not provide entry to the resident’s actual apartment (i.e. by unlocking the resident’s apartment door). If at all possible, kindly have your guest stop by the front desk once a day during their visit between the hours of 8am and 10pm so that their information can be updated in the software that manages guests in the building. You are not required to be present during this daily check-in.