Lock Outs/Lost Keys
Residents who lock their key in their room may check out a spare key at the front desk. This key may only be given to the resident of the room for which the key is requested, and it must be returned immediately. Residents are required to return this spare key within 30 minutes of signing out the key. If the key is not returned within 30 minutes, the resident may be fined no less than $30. The fee amount is dependent on how long the key remains signed out past the initial 30 minute period.
All lost or presumed stolen keys should be reported to Angela Bowen, the front desk captain or Julie Gagnon, House Operations Manager. At that time, all locks accessible by that key will be rekeyed immediately. The first time a resident needs a new key, they will be charged $30. After the first replacement, the resident may be charged a $150 lock replacement fee.
If you are locked out of your room, no spare key is available or there is nobody at the front desk, please call 617-253-1500 and request help to gain access to your room.
Problems with your Room or in the Building
For problems requiring immediate attention: Examples of a time sensitive urgent maintenance issue are no heat, no water, water leaks or no power. For problems such as these, please call Facilities at 617-253-1500 and ask for “Unit 12”. This phone number can be called at any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week including holidays.
For problems not requiring immediate attention: Examples of a non-urgent maintenance issue are a broken or non-functioning window shade, broken cabinets or drawers and/or a burnt out light bulb. For problems such as these please create a service request by using the repair request form at atlas.mit.edu (Type of Location: Residence and then Building Number: NW30 – The Warehouse (NW30)). MIT certificates or credentials are required to submit the repair form. NOTE: By completing this form you authorize maintenance and/or facilities staff to enter your room until the service request has been closed.
Problems with the Wireless Internet
If you ever encounter problem with connecting the wireless internet, please file a help request at the MIT IS&T residential computing webpage. Such feedback is important for MIT to provide a better internet service.
Problems with Pests
Please help keep the building pest-free by storing all food in either a refrigerator, cabinet or hard plastic box and clean up all food mess immediately regardless of whether it is an organized event or your own room. If you see any pests of any kind, such as roaches, mice, bedbugs or ants, please submit an Atlas pest control request here and email Julie Gagnon, the House Operations Manager, immediately so it is possible to do something before the problem spreads.
Problems with Noise
If you have a problem with noise, either internal or external to Warehouse, please see the Warehouse quiet hours policy.
Problems in the Laundry Room
A machine is not working properly and is need or repair or maintenance service. What do I do? Please file a repair request with CSC laundry services. See more information regarding this option on the Warehouse website under residential life/info for residents and then scroll to the paragraph about laundry. A second option is to contact Warehouse’s House Operations Manager, Julie Gagnon via email at juliem@mit.edu or via phone at 617-253-7563.